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Teaching aims and demands
通過本單元的教學,通過詞匯的學習學生能掌握exciting, take part in, hand in等單詞和詞組的用法,學習表達愛好的用語以及如何詢問對方的愛好的表達方法。根據(jù)課文所提供的內(nèi)容,用英語描述奧林運會的歷史、發(fā)展、過去與現(xiàn)狀,能夠列舉出中國運動員所參加的一些項目和在奧運會中取得的優(yōu)異成績。繼續(xù)學習由關(guān)系代詞who, that, which等引導(dǎo)的定語從句,并掌握這部分語法內(nèi)容。
Teaching important and difficult points
I. Words and phrases
athlete, compete, competitor, competition, unusual, swift, medal, gold, prize, Olympic Games, in modern times, take part in, exciting, have sports, read out
II. Useful expressions
Which do you prefer, ...or...?
I prefer. . .to. . .
III. Grammar
Learning prep + which / whom+ Clause



建議教師在上些課時,可采用以下方法,比如:1)教師可給學生展示奧運會圖片,供學生講述。2)教師利用多媒體形式,如:錄像、VCD在課堂上給學生放映等,可提高學生的興趣與積極性。3)教師可用一些課文中出現(xiàn)的數(shù)字、時間進行組織教學,用一些詞連接起來,組成一篇文章,如:776BC,The old Olympic Games began around the year 776 BC in Greece. At that time the young men competed in running, jumping and wrestling., so on.

本單元主要用英語描述奧林運會的歷史、發(fā)展、過去與現(xiàn)狀,詳細列舉出在1984、1992年奧林匹克運動的擴大、中國運動員所參加的一些項目和在奧運會中取得的優(yōu)異成績等,課文中最大的特點是采用大量的數(shù)字與年代,如:393AD,8,000,25th等。同時在語言運用中使用prep .+which / whom+ clause,如:Some of the games in which the young men competed….so on.

have sports的用法
have sports 是個固定搭配,sport常用復(fù)數(shù)形式(包括運動和戶外活動),表示“進行體育運動”。
We often have sports at school after class.課后我們經(jīng)常在學校進行體育活動。
have a good time玩和高興
have a meeting (match, rest, swim, tall, walk, etc.) 開會(比賽、休息、游泳、談話、散步,等)
have a class/classes/lessons 上課 have a cold 感冒
have a baby (boy, girl) 生小孩(男孩、女孩)have a cough 咳嗽
have a holiday 放假 have an accident 出事故
have to do sth. 不得不做 have some medicine 吃藥
have breakfast /lunch /supper 吃早飯/午飯/晚飯have got sth. 得到某物
have sth for breakfast 早飯吃……
Which would you prefer, tea or coffee?
I’d prefer you to wash the clothes. 我想要你來洗衣服。
2)prefer A to B (=like A better than B) “喜歡A而不喜歡B/喜歡A勝過喜歡B”
I prefer dogs to cats. 我喜歡狗不喜歡貓。
3)prefer to do rather than (to) do “寧愿……而不……”
She preferred to go with us rather than stay behind.他寧愿和我們一道去,而不愿留下。

2 . sport, game, match 與 race辨析
sports jacket 運動服sports meet 運動會
sportsman 男運動愛好者,男運動員
sports woman女運動員sports ground 運動場
sports page of the paper 報紙體育專版
school sports 校運會
2)game作“游戲、比賽”解,指有一定規(guī)則的游戲或運動,且以輸贏為主要目的。指球賽時,美國英語用game, 英國英語用match。game還可指大型的國際體育運動會、比賽。
the Asian Games 亞運會the Olympic Games 奧運會
They are having a football match. 他們舉行一場足球比賽。
100-metre race 100米賽跑 go to the races 去看賽馬

3 . join, take part in ,attend的辨析
join the Army/the Party/the League參軍/入黨/入團
join (sb.) 指參與某項活動,口語中常與take part in 通用。
He joined you in the walk.他和你們散步。
2)take part in指參加群眾性活動、會議并在其中起積極作用。
May I take part in your game? 我可以參加你們的游戲嗎?
He'll attend an important meeting tomorrow.他明天要參加一個重要會議。

The same as, the same that的辨析
1) the same …as有兩個含義:“和……一樣”,“像……那樣”。比如:
She is wearing the same dress as she wore yesterday. 這句話有兩個含義:
2)the same…that為“和……一樣的”。比如:
She is wearing the same dress that she wore yesterday.她穿著昨天穿的那件衣服。即只等于the same …as的第一個含義。
in modern/ancient times 在現(xiàn)代/在古代
He is one of the most important men of the time. 他是當代最重要的人物之一。
I’ve met her several times. 我見過她好幾次。
This room is 3 times as big as that one. 這個房間是那個房間的三倍大。

compete: 比賽;競爭,是不及物動詞,常與介詞in, for, against等連用。
They're competing for a prize. 他們在為獲獎而競爭。
compete 的名詞有:competitor 參賽者competition競爭,競賽(可指各種形式的競賽)。
More than 1,000 competitors took part in the competition.一千多參賽者參加了這項競賽。

every four years 每四年
every 與數(shù)詞或few, other 連用,表示時間或空間的間隔,其中幾個主要結(jié)構(gòu)如下:
I go there every three days.我每隔兩天(每三天)到那兒去一趟。
They move on to a new place every two or three years.
He comes to see his uncle every third week.
③every +other+單數(shù)可數(shù)名詞,“每隔……”。
He goes to town every other day(every two days).
④every +few+復(fù)數(shù)名詞 ,“每隔幾……”。
He stopped and turned around every few metres.

教學設(shè)計方案Lesson 37

Teaching Aims
1 .To train the Ss’ skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing.

2. To learn some useful sentences and some new words and expressions through practice.

Which do you prefer, ...or...?

I prefer. . .to. . .

have sports, be good at, read out ,exciting

Teaching procedures

Step I Warming up

1.What sports do you know?

Collect the English words on the Bb.

Volleyball/ basketball/ football /table tennis/ tennis/ badminton/ golf/ horse – riding/ shooting/ wrestling/ sailing/ swimming/ hunting/ fishing/ skiing

2.Which sport do you like better, ...or...?

Use all the names of sports the Se have learned to answer this question. )Then ask the 58:

3.Which sport do you prefer, ... or... ?

Ask one e student to answer the question using the following structure.

I prefer. . .to. . .

Ask more students to practise the two structures.

Step ⅡListening

First we'll listen to the tape. After that there are two questions for you to answer. Please listen carefully with your books closed. Questions:

1) Which Sport does A prefer?   2)What about B?

horse → riding             shooting

2. Let the Ss listen to the tape again and repeat.

Ask them to pay more attention to the pronunciation and intonation of the dialogue.

Step Ⅲ Practise

Paraphrase the following sentences and words.

1) Which do you prefer, horse - riding or shooting?

Which do you like better, horse - riding or shooting ?

2)I prefer horse - riding to shooting.

I like horse-riding better than shooting.

3)In fact, I'm on our city team.

In fact, I'm working for/belonging to our city team.

Step Ⅳ Oral practise

1)Let the Ss make similar dialogues according to the following pictures


Names: football, basketball, sailing, jumping, running, swimming, shooting, wrestling

-Do you often have sports?

-Sure/Of course.

-Which sport do you prefer, . . . or. . . ?

-I prefer. . . to. . .

Step ⅤSummary

1. Ask the Ss to sum up all the expressions and structures in this lesson.

Which do you prefer, ...or...?

I prefer, ..to...

have sports, be good at, read out, exciting

2. Let the Ss make some sentences using these expressions and structures.

Step Ⅵ Homework

1. Finish the exercises in this lesson.

2. Revise the names of different sports.

3. Preview Lesson 38.

Lesson 38教學設(shè)計方案

I: Teaching Aims and Demands
1. Have a good understanding of the text
2. Language points

3.Master the Attributive clause with prep.+which/whom

4. Get the students to understand the history ,spirits and meanings of the Olympic Games

ІI: Important and Difficult Points
1.the same …as…

2.the different uses and meanings of time

3. prep .+which / whom+ clause

IV: Teaching Procedure

STEP I. Revision :

1.Revise the names of some sports:

horse riding, shooting, wrestling, sailing

2.Allow the Ss some minutes to make up dialogues with the names of different sports and practise the following structures.

Which do you prefer, ...or...?

I prefer. . . to. . .

STEP II Warming-up:
1. The T shows the picture of the Olympic Flag to the Ss. The teacher may ask a question like this: “Do you know the Olympic flag?”


2. Ask them to discuss the Olympic Flag.

There are five rings joined together. The five rings stand for five continents. They are Asia, America, Africa Europe, and Oceania. They are joined together as a sign of friendship. The different colours stand for different continents. Asia: yellow; America: red; Africa: black; Europe: blue; Oceania: green

STEPIII Listening:

I. Listen to the tape twice, then T show some numbers to the Ss

1)4 years  2)776BC   3)393AD  4)1896(311/13)  5)1984   6)1992(8,000/150//250/16/12)

II. Allow the Ss enough time to discuss the meanings of these numbers first in groups and then  in class. The T should write some key words on the Bb.

1) every 4 years, take part in

2) around the year 776BC, the old Olympics

3) about the year 393AD, stop

4) in 1894, the first Olympic Games, 311 competitors, 13 countries

5)in 1984,4 gold medals

6) in 1992, 8, 000 competitors, 150 countries, 16 gold medals, 12 gold medals won by women

STEP ⅣReading:

Ask the Ss to read the text from the beginning to the end and try to find out the answer to the following question.

1) How often are the Olympic Games held?

2) When and where did the old Olympic Games begin?

3) When did the Olympic Games stop?

4) When did the first Olympic Games in modem times happen?

5) How many competitors were there in the 1896 games?

6) In which Olympic Games did Carl Lewis win 4 gold medals?

7) When and where did the 25th Olympic Games begin?

8) How many competitors went there?

9) How many gold medals did the Chinese team win in Barcelona?

10) How many gold medals were won by the Chinese women?

StepⅤLanguage points:

Ask the Ss to sum up the new words and expressions and help them to explain them in English. Write the new words and expressions on the Bb.

athlete → a person who is very good at sports and who competes in games

compete→ to try to win in competition with someone else

competitor→ someone who takes part in a competition

unusual →something strange, not usual

motto→ a short sentence or a few words taken as the guiding principle of a person and the way he believes.


prize→something of value given to someone who is successful in a game, race, competition, etc.

take part in→work. or play with other people in.

2. Ask the Ss to fill in the gaps with the new words

1. John ____ for a place at their school, but didn’t get in.

2. During the ____, they exchanged experience with the players from other countries.

3.____ will be given for the three best stories.

4. You will need a ____ horse to take you there.

5. Don't lose hope; remember the ____ “Never say die”.

6.I like that painting; it's most____.

7. British ____ won five gold medals in the Olympics.

8. Tell the ____ for the next race to come here.

9. Did you ____ ____ ____ the fighting?

Keys: competed; competitions; Prizes; swift; motto; unusual; athletes; competitors; take part in

STEP Ⅵ:Discussion:

1.Where will the 2008 Olympic Games be held ?

2.What do you think you prepare for the 2008 Olympic Games ?

3.Discus where and when several Olympic Games hold in modern times?

STEP Ⅶ:Exercise:

Ask the Ss to fill in the passage according to the text.

The Olympic Games are held every   1   years. Athletes   2   all over the world   3   it.

The old Olympic Games began around the year  4  in Greece. Many of the sports were the same   5   they are now.   6  were not allowed to take part in it.

After about the year  7  the Olympic Games stopped. For  8  there were no Olympic Games.

The first Olympic Games  9   happened in   10 . It was held in Greece. There are   11

 competitors from just   12  countries. In 1992 over   13   competitors from more than   14  countries went to Barcelona for the   15   Summer Olympics! There are over   16   different sports in the games. Sailing, horse riding and shooting are some of the unusual sports. In Barcelona the Chinese team got   17   gold medals, of which   18   were won by women.

STEP Ⅷ Summary

1. We know the history, spirit and meaning of the Olympic Games.

2 .We have learned some language points

3 .prep. +which/whom

STEP Ⅸ Homework:

1. Finish off the exercises in this lesson.

2. Read the passage again.

3. Retell the text

4. Point out the Attributive Clause in this lesson.



教師給學生題目進行探討,如:Which sport do you like best?,教師可提供與此體育運動名稱相關(guān)詞組,如:prefer, good at, badminton, gymnastics, archery, rowing, skating, so on.教師可簡單給學生一個范例,如:
I love sports. I prefer badminton to rowing. In fact, I’m also good at skating…….


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