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時間:2011-10-19 15:04:29 點(diǎn)擊:

 3、了解構(gòu)詞法的基本知識,并根據(jù)此知識判斷常用詞的合成詞與派生詞的詞義和詞類,例如:drive – driver, use – useful;
 5、理解詞類轉(zhuǎn)化,例如:water (n.) – water (v.)
 2) 針對大綱詞匯表中的常用單詞,一定要能做到正確拼寫。該項知識常以單詞拼寫的形式來考查學(xué)生,但一般無難題,基本屬于送分題。出題范圍主要是大綱中的一、二級詞匯,也有可能出現(xiàn)非大綱詞匯,但一般為常用詞匯,盡管不在大綱中出現(xiàn),卻通常在課文中出現(xiàn)過。
1. Shanghai is a large c   t  in China.
2. Adam often helps me a lot. He is my best f       nd.
3. I can’t carry the box. It’s too h       v    .
4. The man is very poor. He had no m     n      to buy food.
5. ---How often do you play football?
   --- Tw         a week.
6. My grandparents like growing flowers. They w   t      the flowers everyday.
7. Summer is the hottest s       son in the year.
8. --- Can you sp           the word?
  --- Yes. T-A-B-L-E, table.
9. He was so excited that he couldn’t f       l asleep last night.
10. Everyone had a good time at the party. It was a p_ _ _ s _ _ _ evening.
( Key   1. city  2. friend   3. heavy  4. money   5. twice   6. water   7. season   8. spell  9. fall  10. pleasant  )
3) 了解英文的詞類:
詞類        英語名稱(簡稱)        意  義        例  詞
名詞        Nouns (n.)        表示人、事物時間、地點(diǎn)或抽象概念的名稱        Johnroom
冠詞        Articles (art.)        用于名詞之前,幫助說明名詞的含義        a  an the
數(shù)詞        Numerals (num.)        表示數(shù)量或順序        ninefirst
代詞        Pronouns (pron.)        代替名詞、數(shù)詞以避免重復(fù)        them everything
形容詞        Adjectives (adj.)        表示人或事物的屬性或特征        goodinteresting
副詞        Adverbs (adv.)        修飾動詞、形容詞、其它副詞或全句,表示行為特征或性狀特征        almostbravely
動詞        Verbs (v.)        表示動作、狀態(tài)或性質(zhì)        standbe
介詞        Prepositions (prep.)        用于名詞或代詞之前,表示名詞、代詞與其它詞之間的關(guān)系        nearfrom
連詞        Conjunction (conj.)        連接單詞、短語、從句或句子        andbut
感嘆詞        Interjection(interj.)        表示說話時的語氣或感情        hellooh

1) 派生法
  前綴        意義        例詞
un-        不        unknown未知的unhappy不高興的
  dis-        不,否定        dislike不喜歡 discover發(fā)現(xiàn)
  re-        再,重復(fù)        retell復(fù)述
   mid-        中        mid-night半夜 mid-term期中
  mis-        誤會        misunderstand誤會
bi-          雙        bicycle自行車
  il-        不,非        illegal非法的
  in-        不,非        informal非正式的
  im-        不,非        impossible不可能的
  ir-         不,非        irregular不規(guī)則的
  inter-         間,相互        international國際的
  tele-        遠(yuǎn)        telephone電話
   后綴        意義        例詞
-er        動作者,人        teacher教師
-or        動作者,人        visitor參觀
-ian        人         musician音樂家
-ess        女性        actress女演員
-ese         人,語言        Chinese中國人,漢語
-ese          (地方、人)的          Japanese日本(人)的
-hood         身份、狀態(tài)        childhood童年
-ity        (抽象名詞)          ability能力
-th          過程,結(jié)果        death死亡
-ness          狀態(tài)、性質(zhì)         happiness快樂
-ship         狀態(tài)、身份         friendship友誼
-tion         動作、狀態(tài)         action行為
-ure        動作、結(jié)果         pleasure快樂
-an         (地方、人)的          Canadian加拿大人(的)
-ed          有,像          talented有才華的
-en         …的        wooden木制的
-ern           (表示方向)         southern南方的
-ful         充滿        meaningful有意義的
-less          不、無        useless沒用的
-ly         …地        carefully細(xì)心地
-en         使…變得          weaken削弱、(使)變?nèi)?BR>-fy          使…化        satisfy(使)滿意
-ize,-ise          使…化        modernize(使)現(xiàn)代化
-teen          十幾        thirteen十三
-ty          幾十        thirty三十
-th        第…        ninth第九
   May I have a look ?  我可以看一看嗎?(動詞轉(zhuǎn)化為名詞)
   Let him have a try.  讓他試試。(動詞轉(zhuǎn)化為名詞)
  Can we book the tickets ahead?  我們能提前定票嗎?(名詞轉(zhuǎn)化為動詞)
   The hall can seat thousands of people.  大廳能坐數(shù)千人。(名詞轉(zhuǎn)化為動詞)
   She had to busy herself with housework.  她不得不忙于家務(wù)活。(形容詞轉(zhuǎn)化成動詞)
   You’d better empty the bottle first.  你最好把瓶子先倒空。(名詞轉(zhuǎn)化為動詞)
  It’s necessary to know the difference between right and wrong. 
   They often help the poor. 
   We began to drive north.
   我們開始向北行駛。 (名詞轉(zhuǎn)化成副詞)
   There were lots of ups and downs in his life.
   他的一生中有許多的起起落落。 (副詞轉(zhuǎn)化成名詞)
   He is a white-collar clerk.  他是一名白領(lǐng)職員。
   He is an open-minded leader.  他是一名思想開明的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)。
   What a kind-hearted girl! 多幺好心的女孩!
   This is a good-looking a table.  這是一張好看的桌子。
   Taking a taxi is time-saving.  乘坐出租車很省時。
   He has heard the heart-breaking news. 他已經(jīng)聽說了這個令人心碎的消息。
   It’s dangerous to walk on this ice-covered road.
   How much is the hand-made model? 那個手工制作的模型多少錢?
   Chinese people are hard-working. 中國人民是勤勞的。
   This is our classroom.  這是我們的教室。
   Do you often play basketball? 你經(jīng)常打籃球嗎?
   Her handwriting is much better than mine. 她的書法比我的要好得多。
   The waiting-room is quite crowded.  候車室里相當(dāng)擁擠。
   The water in the swimming-pool is clear, like a blue mirror.
   Please look at the blackboard. 請看黑板。
   He plants lots of flowers in his green-house. 他在溫室里種了許多花。
   They are playing games on the playground. 他們在操場上做游戲。
   The get-together will begin at 8:00 pm. 聯(lián)歡會將于晚上八點(diǎn)開始。
   He is my brother-in-law.  他是我的姐夫。
   I’m not a good-for-nothing. 我并不是一個無用之人。
   The plant is called forget-me-not. 這種植物叫含羞草。
   Please air-dry the paper.  請將紙風(fēng)干。
   He is undergoing great suffering. 他正在遭受巨大的痛楚.。
   It’s hard to white-wash the huge wall. 粉刷這面大墻是很難的。
   The man was blacklisted. 這個人被列入了黑名單。
   She lives downstairs. 她住在樓下。
   If you look eastwards, you can see the sea. 如果你往東看,能夠看到大海。

 1. too… to
 2. so.. that…
 3. It’s time for sb. to do sth.
 4. both…. and..
 5. either…or…
 6. neither… nor…
 7. not… until…
 8. not only… but also…
 9. as… as…
 10. not as (so)… as…
 11. It takes sb. some time to do sth.
 12. It’s good (bad) for…
 13. as soon as
 14. used to do
 15. some… others…
 16. be angry with…
 17. be different from
 18. one… the other…
 19. take sb. to a place
 20. Thank you for doing sth.
 21. get ready to do sth.
 22. …one of…
 23. get on well with …
 24. sb. spend… on…
 25. buy… for…
 26. be interested in…
 27. You’d better…
 28. ask sb. (not) to do sth.
 29. enjoy doing
 30. be good at…
  在英語中,不少詞可以屬于幾個詞類,如water( 水、澆水;名詞和動詞);work(工作;動詞和名詞),fast(快;形容詞和副詞),since(自從;介詞和連詞)等。

① 根據(jù)句意補(bǔ)全單詞中所缺字母,使補(bǔ)全后的句子通順、合理。
l. What colour is Ann's skirt?  It's r____d.
2.We often play g____mes after school.
3.Put your r____ler and your pen in the pencil-box.
4.My parents work f____ ve days a week.
5.There are a lot of cars and buses in the str____t.
6.Don't open the wind ____ . It's cold outside.
7.How do you usually go to school?  By b__ k __.

8.There are a lot of flowers in the g __ d ___.

9.Winter comes after a ___ n.

10. Trees turn gr___n in spring.
11. L__sson One is easy.
12. Can you make a c__ke?
13. This box is small. Give me a b__g one.
14. A d__g is running after a cat.
15. We cl___n the classroom every day.
② 根據(jù)句子意思完成單詞,單詞的第一個字母已給出
1.If you are ill , you must go to h_______ .
2.We all know Beijing is the c_______ of China .
3.D________ ,25th is Christmas Day .
4.We can see s________ at night when it's fine .
5.You can come here b_______ 8:00 and 9:00 tomorrow .
6.I hope you have a good time on you j______ .
7.Could you tell me w_______ the nearest post office is ?
③ 根據(jù)句意用括號內(nèi)所給單詞的適當(dāng)形式填空

1.There are two ________in the basket. (egg)

2.This is my pencil. That one is ________. (your)

3.Who is _______, Tom, Mike or Jack ? (tall)

4.We live on the ______ floor. (twenty)
5. I can see three _______ on the desk. (pen)
6. This room is _______. It isn't yours. (our)
7. “Can I borrow your ruler?” “Certainly. Here _______ are.” (your)
8. Lin Lin is the ______ in our class.  (young)
9. We live on the _______ floor. (seven)
10. Li Lei is _______ than Lin Tao. (old)
11. The Changjiang River is the _______ river in China. (long)
12.Wei Hua gave me two______ yesterday.(book)
13.That pen isn't yours. It's ______ .(her)
14.The ______ lesson is very easy.(six)
15.John is ______ than Sam.(tall)
16.Can you help ______ with my English?  (I)
④ 根據(jù)漢語提示完成句子
It _______ me two hours _______ _______ the bike.
He ______ finish his homework _______ his mother came back.
   ______ he _______ I am a teacher.
   He became ________ in maths when he was ________.
You'd _______ ______ a train.
It's time to ______ ______ the bus.
Zhujiang river is  _______  _________  __________  __________ in China .
① 根據(jù)句意補(bǔ)全單詞中所缺字母,使補(bǔ)全后的句子通順、合理。
1. red  2. games  3. ruler   4. five   5. street   6. window   7. bike  8. garden 9. autumn  10. green  11. Lesson  12. cake  13. big   14. dog   15. clean
② 根據(jù)句子意思完成單詞,單詞的第一個字母已給出
1. hospital 2. capital  3. December  4. stars   5. between  6. journey  7. where
③ 根據(jù)句意用括號內(nèi)所給單詞的適當(dāng)形式填空
1. eggs  2. yours  3. the tallest  4. twentieth  5. pens  6. ours  7. you  8. youngest 9. seventh  10. older  11. longest  12. books  13. hers  14. sixth  15. taller 16. me
④ 根據(jù)漢語提示完成句子
1. took, to mend/ repair/ fix
2. didn’t, until
3. Neither, nor
4. interested, young
5. better take
6. get on
7. the third longest

作者:不詳 來源:網(wǎng)絡(luò)
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