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高中英語(yǔ)說(shuō)課稿:高二英語(yǔ)下冊(cè)《Unit 20 reading》優(yōu)秀說(shuō)課稿

時(shí)間:2012-3-27 17:12:08 點(diǎn)擊:

各位老師, 大家好! 今天我說(shuō)課的內(nèi)容是高二英語(yǔ)下冊(cè)Unit20, reading部分.該部分主要側(cè)重于閱讀能力的培養(yǎng),教給學(xué)生多種靈活多變的閱讀方法.引導(dǎo)學(xué)生開(kāi)展任務(wù)型閱讀,以任務(wù)為依托,激發(fā)學(xué)生參與主體,從篇章中準(zhǔn)確,高效地獲取知識(shí)與信息.
一,教材內(nèi)容分析(Analysis of the teaching materials)
高二英語(yǔ)新教材的編寫依然以單元為單位,但每個(gè)單元打破了呆板的塊狀設(shè)計(jì),換之于流暢的線型流程,為課堂教學(xué)的靈活組織留下了更大的空間.整個(gè)教材體現(xiàn)了Communicative Curriculum的指導(dǎo)思想.每個(gè)單元以功能為主題,話題為支撐,結(jié)構(gòu)為平臺(tái),任務(wù)為載體,意義交流為目的,充分體現(xiàn)了語(yǔ)言運(yùn)用的基本思路,為任務(wù)型課堂教學(xué)構(gòu)建了框架,注重提高學(xué)生用英語(yǔ)獲取信息,處理信息,分析和解決問(wèn)題的能力,發(fā)展學(xué)生與人溝通和合作的能力.
"閱讀"(Reading)部分介紹了人類考古史上的一個(gè)重大發(fā)現(xiàn)the King of Stonehenge in England.這個(gè)發(fā)現(xiàn)使得考古學(xué)家相信那個(gè)時(shí)期的人們已經(jīng)和歐洲其他地區(qū)有貿(mào)易和文化交往.
"讀后"(Post-reading)部分設(shè)計(jì)了三個(gè)問(wèn)題.第一題考察學(xué)生對(duì)文章內(nèi)容的理解,要求學(xué)生在課文中找出在墳?zāi)估锿诰虺鰜?lái)的objects 和 materials.第二題教會(huì)學(xué)生一個(gè)重要的考古方法,也培養(yǎng)了學(xué)生分析和判斷的能力.要求學(xué)生根據(jù)課文信息找出青銅器時(shí)代的英國(guó)人民和歐洲其他國(guó)家和地區(qū)的文化和貿(mào)易交往.第三題是練習(xí)是拓展性問(wèn)題.要學(xué)生討論建造the Stonehenge所需的技術(shù),科技,發(fā)明和工具.
Moral education(德育滲透): Man's history is made up of two parts--- written history and buried history. It is comparatively easy for man to read written history, but it is rather difficult to read buried history consisted of unearthed relies. (人類的歷史由兩部分組成:文字歷史和被埋葬的歷史.解讀文字的歷史對(duì)于人類而言要相對(duì)容易一些,而要讀懂由出土文物所構(gòu)成的歷史就要困難得多.
1,主題明確 本文主題是考古界的重大發(fā)現(xiàn)——巨石王墓.
二,學(xué)生情況分析(Analysis of students)
三,教學(xué)目標(biāo)和要求(Teaching aims and demands)
1,語(yǔ)言知識(shí) (Knowledge)
詞匯(Vocabulary):能理解,內(nèi)化,運(yùn)用以下生詞—a emperor, pin, find, clay, arrow, bow, cushion, spare, technical
短語(yǔ)(Phrases and expressions): date back to, have a hand in, in terms of , in the eyes of, dig up, remind of , belong to, look like, must have done, may have done,
2. 語(yǔ)言技能 (Skills)
讀:獲取關(guān)于考古的相關(guān)信息,且進(jìn)行skimming, scanning, careful reading, generalization; inference等閱讀微技能訓(xùn)練.訓(xùn)練通過(guò)尋找關(guān)鍵詞,主題句等方式更快速并準(zhǔn)確的確定文章的段落大意,理清文章的總體框架與脈絡(luò).繼續(xù)運(yùn)用已經(jīng)掌握的基本猜詞技巧猜測(cè)部分單詞,并在上下文體驗(yàn)中感受某些佳句給讀者帶來(lái)的深層含義.
5,文化意識(shí) (Cultural awareness):
四,教學(xué)原則和教學(xué)方法(Teaching Principles and Methods):
1,以任務(wù)型教學(xué) (Task-based Language Teaching)作為課堂教學(xué)設(shè)計(jì)之理念,具體采用情景教學(xué)法(Situational Approach),整體語(yǔ)言教學(xué)法(Whole Language Teaching)等教學(xué)方法.從一定程度上說(shuō),人們使用語(yǔ)言是為了完成各種各樣的任務(wù),而任務(wù)型的教學(xué)活動(dòng)就是讓學(xué)習(xí)者通過(guò)運(yùn)用所學(xué)語(yǔ)言來(lái)完成各種各樣的交際活動(dòng).學(xué)習(xí)者通過(guò)表達(dá),溝通,交涉,解釋,詢問(wèn)等各種語(yǔ)言形式來(lái)學(xué)習(xí)和掌握語(yǔ)言,實(shí)現(xiàn)目標(biāo),感受成功.
Task 1: Reading for the main idea of each part.
Task 2: Discussing and filling the blanks
Task 3: Reading and copying
五,教學(xué)重點(diǎn)與難點(diǎn)(Teaching difficult and important points)
Teaching important points:
Improve the students' reading ability.
Help the students learn about the King of the Stonehenge by reading the passage.
Teaching Difficult Points:
How to help the students understand the passage exactly.
六, 教學(xué)設(shè)計(jì)步驟(Teaching procedures)
Step 1 Greeting Greet the Ss as usual
Step 2 Reading
Pre-reading Show a picture of Terra-Cotta Warriors.
What objects were kings and emperors in China buried with
Describe the kinds of objects kings and emperors in China were buried with.
Objects: jade articles Servants tools china silk pottery wives of emperors
articles for daily life money animals jeweler warriors clothing weapons
Why were dead kings given these objects after they died
To show off their power and wealth.
To be given to him for his use in the next life
To continue their luxurious life in the nether(地下的) world.
根據(jù)圖式理論,影響學(xué)生閱讀理解的圖式包括語(yǔ)言圖式,內(nèi)容圖式和修辭圖式.進(jìn)行讀前活動(dòng),可以充分地調(diào)動(dòng)學(xué)生大腦中已有的內(nèi)容圖式,為后續(xù)的閱讀活動(dòng)做出鋪墊.為吸引學(xué)生的注意力,增加趣味性,活躍課堂氣氛,選取了Terra-Cotta Warriors圖片組織學(xué)生觀賞.

Task 1: Reading for the main idea
1. Scan the text and write down which objects were found in the grave of the King of Stonehenge: tools of a hunter or warrior a bone pin a leather coat two copper knives two gold earrings two clay pots tools and materials to make arrows a bow a dozen arrows a cushion stone
Show the pictures of skull, copper knife, gold earrings, arrowhead, and clay pot.
2. Which materials were found
Materials: gold, fur, stone, clay, pottery, copper, bone
3. Please finish Ex 1 in Post-reading (P76) according to the information:
tools of a hunter or warrior, a bone pin, a leather coat, two copper knives, two gold earrings, two clay pots, tools and materials to make arrows, a bow, a dozen arrows, a cushion stone
4. Please find out the main idea of each part.
Part 1.Para (1-3) description of the finds
Part 2.Para (4- ) 6 The relationship between the man and Stonehenge
Part 3.Para (7) The importance of the King to the development of early history of Britain
Later ask students to go through the whole passage quickly to find out correct answers to the following questions:
1. The magnificence of finding a grave of a man shows that _________.
A. Stonehenge was built by nature B. it was ET who built Stonehenge
C. it was a man who built Stonehenge
D. Stonehenge was moved from some other place
2. What is the main idea for the first paragraph
A. The finding of a grave of a man near Stonehenge.
B. The finding of Stonehenge.
C. The Stonehenge man was found.
D. The man who built Stonehenge was found.
3. His grave is the richest of any found from that period because __________.
A. there are two gold earrings
B. there are a lot of things for his use in the future life
C. there is something that is interesting
D. there is a lot of things which can tell us stories
4. What are the most amazing things are ____.
A. the weapons he carries in his hands B. the metal money was found near him
C. the two gold earrings in the grave D. the same stones as part of Stonehenge
5. The find of two gold earrings tells that ____.
A. it was first found in Britain B. it was first found in Stonehenge
C. it was first found in Europe D. it was first found in the world
6. The find of the grave shows _________.
A. Stonehenge has a long history B. Stonehenge is a place of interest
C. Stonehenge attracts more and more people D. Stonehenge is a place
Suggested answers: 1-6 CADCAA
Task 2: Discussing and filling the blanks
Talk about the inventions and kinds of science they must have had, based on the reading passage.
knowledge, science, inventions and tools
Travel to Scotland
Roads, maps, geography, etc.
Construction of Stonehenge
Architecture, physics, etc.
Weapons, bows, arrows, etc.
Trade with Europe
Maps, ships, languages, geography, markets
Making copper knives
Skills, copper, model, etc.
Step 3 Listening to the passage and try to follow it in low voice.
Decide if the sentences below are true or false.
1. When the King of Stonehenge died, he was about 50years old.
2. From tests on his teeth, it is certain that he spent his childhood in English.
3. The most amazing find was two gold earrings.
4. Stonehenge was begun around 2300BC.
5. In terms of technical development, people were going from the Bronze Age to Stone Age at that time.
6. It has been proved that the copper knives came from Spain and Western France.
Suggested answers: F F T F F T
Step 4 Task 3: Reading and copying
Now it's time to read the text again and copy down all the useful expressions.
Step 5 Summary and homework
In this class, we've learnt about the King of Stonehenge by reading the passage and also learnt some useful expressions and sentence patterns. After class, you need to do more exercises to master them freely. Studying archaeological discoveries can help us learn about he life of people during different periods, so if you have time, go to visit the local museums or surf the Internet to learn more about archaeology. At last, don't forget to prepare for the next period----language study. So much for today.
七,板書設(shè)計(jì)(Design of the writing on the blackboard)
Unit 20,reading
the main idea of each part.
Part 1.Para (1-3) description of the finds
Part 2.Para (4- ) 6 The relationship
Part 3.Para (7) The importance
date back to in terms of tend to do sth. what is /was called
what people call/called
Useful expressions from the text
date back to around 2,300BC, with his face to the north, z bone pin, carry sth on one's breast, gold earrings, be made of, a second smaller copper knife, a cushion stone, work metal, a variety of reasons, tend to do sth, a member of a powerful class, the construction of Stonehenge, be linked to sth, have a hand in, pull up, in term of, technical development, Stone Age, Iron Age, through trade and cultural links, the skills to make metal, be of high status, in the eyes of, local people

作者:不詳 來(lái)源:網(wǎng)絡(luò)
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